Set/Reset a Password for an Admin Account
- First, make sure that there is an email address associated with the user account. The password reset email will be sent to that email address.
- Navigate to the admin panel login screen. You can get to this URL by logging out of the admin panel or going to
- Click the Reset Password link.
- Enter the username that is set for that account.
- Click the Reset button.
- An email will be sent to the email address you entered for that account.
note: submitting the password reset email multiple times cancels out the previous request.
This means the link in the previous email becomes invalid.
- In the email, you (or the new user) will need to click the password reset link.
- The password reset link will provide a page where you can create or change the password for the account in question.
- After the password is created, you (or the new user) will be taken back to the login page and should be able to now log in with that user and new password.
note: If for some reason you do not receive the password reset email, please contact the Support department for further assistance.