To setup an configure vendors:
- Go to Settings
→ Inventory Settings
→ Vendor
- Here you can enable the Vendors feature.
- You can email an order to vendors when the order is placed.
- The vendor email can be sent in two ways
- When the order is submitted
- When the order is set to Approved status
- Display product price in vendor email
- Vendors can also have their own login.
- The login URL is ../login.php?m=vendor_login
- (unsecure link ie. http://)
- (secure link ie. https://)
- Allow vendors to manage their products
- Allow vendors to add tracking info to orders
- Only show successful orders to vendors (examples include: Declined, Pending, and Void status orders will not appear)
- Show vendor name on admin printer friendly receipt
- Display Vendor Name below product name
- Vendor orders can also be exported via CSV in two ways
- One order will be list per row
- Each line item per row
- When vendors view orders they can view them in two ways
- Price the items were purchased for
- Cost of the item
- You can choose to display a list of your vendors on the front end via a Widget
- List
- On The Front End, Display Vendors as:
- Text & Thumbnail Grid
- Text & Thumbnail List
- On The Front End, Display Vendors as:
- Drop down menu
- The List or drop down menu can be sorted by
- (Default 'appears in the order entered into the system', Alphabetically, and Sort Order 'manually')
- List
- You can also enable Vendor Location Search
- You will need a account.
- Enter your key in the Vendor Location Search Application Key field→Save.
- When filling out address information you will need to include their zip code location.
- Go to Inventory
→View Vendors
- Go to + Add New Vendors
- Here you can edit contact information for the vendor.
- Depending on your settings above you can also display the vendor for your customers to choose from.
- You select if a vendor is the default choice for the order email on your order details page
note: You can only have one default vendor at a time.
- If you choose to Send ALL product to this Vendor in Vendor Email it will send all products to the vendor even if you have not tied a vendor to those products.
- Click Save or Save & Add New (this option will automatically start a new vendor for you to add).