Signifyd scores 300 risk indicators within seconds to ensure transactions are legit. Know exactly how and when a transaction is suspect along with all the right information to help you make the best decision.

To sign up for Signifyd go here:
Signifyd does offer a 14 day free trial, to see pricing after the free trial go here:
Once you sign up for the free trial you will be sent an email to verify the email address and account.
1. Login to your account with the email and password you setup when signing up for the free trial.
2. Create a TEAM > on the next screen you will need to copy the API KEY
- on this screen you have tabs for General info and notification that you can set to your specifications.
In CoreCommerce Admin go here
Settings > Plugin Apps > Signifyd > enable integration and input API Key > save
To see this in action go to Orders > View Orders
Choose any order that paid with a Credit Card and the score will be automatically calculated for that order. Once a score has been generated, it will remain tied to the order.
To learn more about Signifyd you can go here